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Diddychwy live at BartonVale Gardens Retirement Village plays The Truro Agricultural show



Tony Gill (Senior): Lead and harmony vocals / Whistle and Flute. Dominic Gill: Lead and harmony vocals and Guitar. Ingrid Hapkey: Harmony vocals and Fiddle. Cliff Milne:  Lead and harmony vocals and Electric Bass. Sound engineer.   Special thanks to Ray Thomas for recording this show.



Truro Agricultural show


Click to play ( Intro and song 9 min 20 sec, 23.5 MB)



On this page below:


Diddychwy plays the song the Truro Agricultural show

A history of the song the Truro Agricultural show 

Words of the song the Truro Agricultural show

Written music of the Truro Agricultural show



Diddychwy plays the song the Truro Agricultural show


Tony Gill and Ingrid Hapkey sing this song. 'Tony' being a proper Cornish man is in his element here. 







A history of the song the Truro Agricultural show


Well there really is a place called "Truro," and they really do have an Agricultural show there and this is of course, really the song about it. According to this site the "The Bath and West of England Show visited Cornwall in 1861. The Royal Cornwall Show was merged with it and the combined event held at Truro. This must have been a HUGE event and the song seems to have been written as a kind of way to get the news out and gather in the crowds. A Nineteenth century equivalent to the youtube viral video


A chap called Andy Roberts wrote the Truro Agricultural show.




Words of the song the Truro Agricultural show


No spelling mistakes here, they really do speak that way down in Cornwall. In the song Tony explains a little about how the typical Cornish man, or woman, or child, or dog speaks. After all, he should know, he is a Cornishman! But we have also singing along with Tony Ingrid Hapkey, and she's not a Cornishwoman! But she reckons she's got the accent down pat because her mother use to speak a lot of Pam Ayres to her when she was a child.


Good people all who hear my voice, you now have reason to rejoice;
For off to Truro you may go, to see the Agricultural Show;
But don't go kissing the girls you know, at Truro Agericultural Show.

A motley crew you will see there, fat farmers and their wives so rare
Their bounc'n daughters neat & clean, wi' a porkpie hat &a crinoline
So don't go kissing the girls you know at Truro Agericultural Show.

From Newlyn east and Saint Columb too, there's Humpback'd Jim
and Carroty Joe; and a special train upon the rail,
to bring all the thieves from Bodmin Gaol.
So don't go kissing the girls you know at Truro Agericultural Show.

They've got a band from Plymouth down, the best that ever was in the town;
And all the gentry will be there -'tis most as pretty as Whitsun Fair!
But don't go kissing the girls you know at Truro Agericultural Show.

There's horses, ponies, cows and calves, for Truro don't do things by halves - there be Devon bulls, sheep, pigs, and geese;
You can see it all for a shilling a piece!
But don't go kissing the girls you know, at Truro Agericultural Show!

There's things up there that'll make you laugh,
there's a two-legg'd cow and a nine-legg'd calf;
A billiy-goat that comes from Wales, with 16 eyes & 17 tails.
So don't go kissing the girls you know, at Truro Agericultural Show!

Now all around I hear you say, "we'll see that show this very day..
So off we go, all in a row, to Truro Agericultural Show!"
And don't go kissing the girls you know, at Truro Agericultural Show