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 The Gill Family Singers sing Moggy

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Two of the Gill Family Singers are also long standing Diddychwy members. Tony Gill (Senior) and Dominic Gill. Other members are: Tony Gill (Junior) Mark Gill and Lisa Buttery, formerly Lisa Gill. Special thanks to Ray Thomas, Sound engineer.



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The Gill Family Singers sing Moggy




The Gill Family Singers sing Moggy


A 'moggy' - if you didn't know - is one of many words for a 'cat.' I remember singing this song to some old folk in a nursing home. Most people received this song with a few laughs, but on this one occasion as old lady in the audience just kept sneering at us. I can only guess that something terrible had befallen her Moggy of late. Such are the risk in doing comedy! I too wouldn't be happy if something had befallen by beloved pet. So what is it about cats and making comments about their troubles that makes people laugh!?


Tony Junior used to claim that he knew the inspirational source of Eric Bogle song, (the author of Moggy.) Because Eric like 'he,' lived in Gawler and probably had to commute to Adelaide and observe all the dead cats by the side of the road. Tony's theory is that cats liked killing themselves on the Main north road more than any other road.


At any rate, I guess Eric never had a cat, or, he's just got this weird sense of humour. Come to think of it, the rapturous laughs that we received when we sung 'Moggy' suggest that a lot of people have got a strange sense of humour.