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The Gill Family Singers sing, ASouling Click to play (2.54 MB)

Two of the Gill Family Singers are also long standing Diddychwy members. Tony Gill (Senior) and Dominic Gill. Other members are: Tony Gill (Junior) Mark Gill and Lisa Buttery, formerly Lisa Gill. Special thanks to Ray Thomas, Sound engineer.


On this page below:


The Gill Family Singers personal experience of ASouling

Words of the song Asouling

Written music of Asouling






The Gill Family Singers personal experience of ASouling


In having listened to this song, you might begin to understand the challenge this song posed for The Gill Family singers. How to sing your part and not have the other fellow put you off. You could try not listening to them, but that ultimately doesn't work, for you might finish up singing not only out of key but completely out of sync. So you find yourself being forced to listen to what the other person is singing,. After a while, - after you get over the fact that your actually singing something different, - the fun of it grows on you. And we did have fun performing this song for their was always this mild sense of delight or accomplishment or even surprise when you finished up at the end of the verse all together. That smile we gave to one another on stage, at the end of the verse or chorus actually relayed the message, "so you got it right this time!" Indeed ... in practice this was not always the case. Sometimes you would be left singing proudly at the end of the song while everyone had stopped two of three bars earlier. Of course when this happened you always thought and even insisted that everyone else had got it wrong. We Gill's might be reasonable singers but we  tend not to be good at admitting that we're wrong. It's a big family thing!


We did another song that was even more challenging than Asouling, a song called the "Month of Maying." This is a madrical, and they tend to be even harder to sing for the melodies are not merely harmonies but according to Wiki are; " through-composed, with music being written to best express the sentiment of each line of a poetic text." So when you finish up at the end all together in a madrical, you kind of feel like it's minor miracle. 



Words of the song Asouling



Hey ho, nobody home, no meat, no bread, no money have I got

Yet shall we be merry, Hey ho, nobody home


A soul, a soul, a soulcake, please good missus a soulcake

Apple, a pear, a plum and a cherry, any good thing to make a soul merry

One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all


God bless the master of this house and the mistress also

And all the little children that 'round your table grow

The cattle in your stable, the dog at your front door

And all that dwell within your gate I wish you ten times more


The streets are very dirty, my shoes are very thin

I have a little pocket to put a penny in

If you haven't got a penny an halfpenny will do

If you haven't got an halfpenny then God bless you


Go down into your cellar and see what you can find

If your barrels are not empty I hope you will be kind

Indeed I hope you will be kind with your apples and your beer

And I will come and sing no more 'til this time next year




Lyric from




Written music of Asouling

Digital Tradition Mirror

Souling Song

[GIF Score]

(This score available as ABC, SongWright, PostScript, PNG, or PMW, or a MIDI file)
Pennywhistle notation and Dulcimer tab for this song is also available

